Illustration Friday Word- Family

"Established in 2004, Illustration Friday is a weekly creative challenge and public art exhibition for artists of all skill levels. A new topic is posted each Friday and everyone can draw, paint, sculpture, or who knows what? Let’s make some art!" -

The Illustration Friday word was "family".  Having just finished the Christmas holiday and all the family that entails I decided to explore different kinds of families for inspiration.

Tasked with recreating a movie poster, album cover or anything of your choice I decided to do some thumbnails sketches, using the inspiration board, to come up with some new concepts.

This semester I will be working on a Wacom tablet.  I have never touched on before this semester never mind drawing anything with it.  This is my first attempt at my thumbnails using the Wacom tablet.

From this art in the process I was tasked with taking one of the thumbnails and turning them into a pencil composition albeit, done with the Wacom tablet.
