Cemetery Polka

Where to start this blog post is a conundrum of sorts.  

I want to be as professional as possible but over the course of a week my husband, whom I love with my whole heart and my entire soul, has had a breakdown and is presently as I type this on suicide watch.  This makes it exceptionally hard to function so I’m not sure I will be able to nail the steps I took but I am game to try. 

First, I picked my strongest concept and design to do a full size comp. That was my first roadblock as I realized all my concepts were very flat and graphic. They all looked like a style/technique that could easily be done in vector.  I had to rethink and so I just started drawing.

I used brushes that have interesting 'grain', I work in to create highlights and shadows, but I had a lot of trouble figuring out what to do with the background

I wanted to make my work as creative as possible and incorporate the things we learned so I brought some black and white photos into the background.  I played with the outlining a bit.  I then fell down the rabbit hole of the suicide watch and don’t; really remember much else.
